Archive for Barack Obama

Video: Dear Obama, “SIT. YOUR. ASS. DOWN.” From a Black Trump Supporter

Posted in Politics, Society, Videos with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2018 by The Freedom For Vietnam Delegation

Henry Davis(Twitter / Henry Davis)

Just another day in the twittersphere.

Henry Davis, a Twitter user and African-American Trump supporter, had a few choice words for former president Barack Obama, in response to the latest attempt by the jealous previous president to undermine the yugely successful current president. The following video was posted by Davis a few days ago, and has garnered over 267,000 views so far. Seeing it cross my timeline, I gave it a watch, and found it to be very interesting and worthy of a share.

For those who don’t know, Obama made a speech late last week at the University of Illinois. Launching a fiery yet pathetically passive-aggressive attack on President Donald Trump, one can see that Obama was up to his usual condescending, lecturing, and truth-bending ways again. Only now, after a year and a half of President Trump, and all of the accomplishments, breakthroughs, and truths brought to light by Trump’s leadership, the words of Obama don’t seem to carry much weight anymore.

Not only that, but the things that we the people were willing to overlook about Obama in the past, such as his patronizing demeanor, his reliance on rhetoric, metaphors, and flowery language to avoid accountability and addressing real issues, and his willingness deliberate distortion of current affairs to glorify himself, all of these things were on full display last Friday, only more blatantly and obnoxiously than ever. Watching Obama eloquently talk down to America as if we were children, and watching him stick up his nose while lying to my face, caused me to become even more fed up with him than I realized was possible.

So when I came across Henry Davis’s video, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “Yes.” “This.”

I’m not saying I agree with 100% of what Davis is saying in his video, but I did find myself nodding along a lot as I watched.

If you’re interested, here is the video below (Caution: It comes at you quick, so mind the volume):

What I like about this video is that it really encapsulates the mood of what many people of color (such as myself) feel about Democrats, contemporary liberalism, and the current state of affairs today.

Now, I don’t want to speak for Henry Davis, so I will clarify that what comes next are my own personal views on the matter.

By my assessment, I get the sense that for whatever reason, because of my skin color, Democrats feel entitled to my vote. Just because of my ethnicity, the Democrats think I am automatically predisposed to vote for their party, regardless of what my views are. By exploiting the virtues of diversity, tolerance, and acceptance, the Democrats have watered down these values, turning them into mere buzzwords, slogans, and political leverage.

From the way they talk, one would think that liberals owned the idea of diversity, tolerance, and inclusiveness. They behave as if the only way you can be tolerant, compassionate, or accepting, is if you are a liberal, that you only vote Democrat, and that you wholeheartedly endorse the “progressive” open borders, anti-military, and pro-socialist agenda of the radical left. If you are white and you disagree with liberals, then you are labeled a bigot, a racist, a sexist, and a white supremacist, among many other names. If you are not white and you disagree with liberals, then you are an “Uncle Tom,” a sellout, a puppet, an idiot, a bigot, a racist, a sexist, and, hilariously enough, a white supremacist, among many other names.

They, the left, use identity politics, race baiting, and the self-victimization mentality to convince me that I need them, that they’re “fighting for me,” and that without them, I would be nothing. The whole “you’re a minority and you need my help” ideology of the Democrats and radical leftists is an insult, and a slap in the face of all hardworking people everywhere, whether black, white, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise.

Modern-day liberalism is a joke, breeding mentally and emotionally weak people who are so soft, entitled, and easily offended that they are willing to relinquish their rights to the government in exchange for protection from hurt feelings and the promise that “no one will ever make you feel this way again.” It is a dangerous ideology that encourages dependency, disparages hard and honest work, and vilifies one of the most treasured principles of the free world: Equal opportunity for all.

Liberalism today not only scapegoats men, Caucasians, and heterosexuals, but also scapegoats strong and independent women, strong and independent minorities, and strong and independent LGBT people who choose to disagree with the leftist mob and think for themselves. It is a toxic ideology, one that breeds hate, division, and blame, transferring responsibility away from the individual towards an abstract other, a faceless bigot or bully who is the source of all of one’s problems – problems that Democrats promise to make go away, as long as we vote for them, as long as we depend on them, and as long as we do what they say.

Don’t fall for that trap anymore. Barack Obama is the last straw.

The days of the Democratic Party are numbered, and it is unknown yet what new movement will take their place in the future.

However, and this is merely a recommendation – for the short time being, I encourage everyone to vote Republican this November in the midterm elections. The Democrats have let us down for eight years and beyond, while politely talking down to us and lying straight to our faces the entire time.

Those days are over now.

We’re finally headed in the right direction with President Trump. And so, let’s keep the momentum going, and let’s make this a lasting change.

Let’s walk away from the Democrats, once and for all.

Analysis: Trump’s Approval Ratings Hit 51%, Beats Obama’s at Same Point in Presidency

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , on April 9, 2018 by The Freedom For Vietnam Delegation

President Trump(Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press)

It’s been a while since I wrote something (gotta stay relevant become relevant again somehow, ha…), so here’s some news that will piss off some grumpy bitter leftists.

According to Rasmussen Reports, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, president for, not just some Americans, not just the Republican Party, but for ALL Americans, and ALL political parties (liberals: “but, but, I tweeted #notmypresident 😢”), hit 50% in his approval rating early last week, and then 51% just a few days later.

This accomplishment comes at a time when the liberal media is, and has been, doing everything they possibly can to destroy the Trump presidency. Possible reasons for the media’s constant attacks on President Trump, his family, his administration, and everything that is remotely connected with him, include: hurt feelings (liberals: “how DARE Trump win the election when I feel so strongly that he shouldn’t? 😢”), ego (liberals: “people like Trump don’t win elections, people like me [sleazy establishment types] do! 😢”), and plain, simple corruption (liberals: “if that fucking bastard wins, we’ll ALL hang from nooses” – alleged but unconfirmed Hillary Clinton quote, still funny though).

Not too long ago, the liberal media was boasting about Trump’s historically low approval ratings, trying (unsuccessfully) to hide the fact that Trump’s numbers were identical to Obama’s at the same point in their respective presidencies. Well, surprise, losers.

Liberals tend to dismiss aggressively trash Rasmussen Polls, but it is worthy of note that Rasmussen was one of the few polls to actually predict the 2016 election results accurately.

Seriously, remember when all of those mainstream news outlets predicted a “landslide victory” in favor of Hillary Clinton? These are the same people who boast about Trump’s disapproval, while at the same time ardently burying any information that counters their anti-Trump narrative.

Just a reminder here: the economy is booming, China is being confronted by the U.S. in economics and the pacific, Russian trickery in Syria is getting punished by U.S. troops (this surprised even me), Washington elites are being EXPOSED for corruption and police-state behavior, ISIS is freaking DEAD, and Kim Jong-Un, KIM JONG-FUCKING-UN has agreed to sit down and talk to President Trump about de-nuclearization.

If you regularly read news outlets like Washington Post, CNN, TIME, The New York Times, and Newsweek (just to name a few), and are wondering why you aren’t clearly informed about so many of these monumental accomplishments, the answer is clear.

The mainstream media is not here to inform you. They are here to influence you. And, if you happen to disagree with their leftist point of view, then they are here to shame you, denigrate you into submission, and hopefully sway you over to their pro-socialist agenda.

How the Left manages to constantly lie, manipulate, and ignore facts and figures, every minute, every second, of every single day, is beyond me. Moreover, how the Left is so ardently wishing for America and its president to fail, just to avenge their bruised egos (liberals: “if I don’t get what I want, then NO ONE will! 😡…😢…😡) is beyond my understanding.

Well, that’s the Left for ya.

They did this in the 1960s and 1970s with Vietnam and succeeded (more on that in future posts, hopefully), and now they’re trying to do it with Trump. However, times are changing, and these so-called “journalists” can no longer get away with putting out (or ignoring) whatever they want and expect the population to simply swallow, just because “hey, I’m a journalist 😏.”

My opinion of Trump was much different during most of the 2016 election (mostly negative, not gonna lie). But with time, and more and more shocking revelations unfolding right before my eyes, my understanding of the situation has grown, and thus, my view has changed. So, with the many insights I have acquired over the last 18 months, I am confident in my assessment, and fully stand behind the following statement: Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to the U.S. since Ronald Reagan, and I am glad that he is the President of the United States.

Vote Republican this November in the midterm elections.

Keep America Great. Again. 🇺🇸

China Disrespects President Obama at G20 Summit, Shows China Has ‘Little Man Syndrome’

Posted in Opinions, Politics with tags , , , on September 6, 2016 by The Freedom For Vietnam Delegation

Obama G20 - 2016Photo via Daily Mail

According to multiple news outlets, China, the self-proclaimed “superpower” who is demanding that everyone in the world respect them, took it upon themselves to openly “snub” President Barack Obama at the G20 summit in Hangzhou this past weekend.

The Guardian details the event as follows:

Chinese leaders have been accused of delivering a calculated diplomatic snub to Barack Obama after the US President was not provided with a staircase to leave his plane during his chaotic arrival in Hangzhou before the start of the G20.

… When Obama did find his way on to a red carpet on the tarmac below there were heated altercations between US and Chinese officials, with one Chinese official caught on video shouting: “This is our country! This is our airport!”

From the same source, Mexican official Jorge Guajardo is quoted as saying: “These things do not happen by mistake. Not with the Chinese… I’ve dealt with the Chinese for six years. I’ve done these visits… I know exactly how these things get worked out. It’s down to the last detail and everything. It’s not a mistake. It’s not.”

The Telegraph provides a similar account, adding:

“All the other world leaders appeared to have been welcomed to the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou in traditional diplomatic style, treading onto a red carpet laid on a rolling airport staircase outside the main exit of the aircraft.”

If you thought this was childish, and unbecoming of anything remotely close to the realm of “superpower” behavior, or the behavior of any self-respecting man or woman, for that matter, then you’re completely right.

This behavior is not the behavior of a civilized nation, a self-respecting nation, and definitely not the behavior of a nation who assumes the role of a world superpower.

I was disappointed and irritated by the news of what the Chinese did at the G20 meeting in Hangzhou, but I wasn’t surprised. They’ve done this before, numerous times, in numerous countries, in numerous different ways.

What the Chinese did to Obama in Hangzhou is just one example of China’s belittling attitude towards the international community, and another reason why China is not a superpower. Not even close.

China is bitter, insecure, and self-conscious at the fact that they are not a superpower. As a result, they are doing whatever they can to project the appearance of superpower. Sadly for them, in trying so hard to appear “superpower-ish”, they’re making themselves look very, very small.

It takes more than military might and economic clout to be a superpower (although America smashes China in both of these areas). To be a superpower, one does require these elements, but it takes so much more.

America is a superpower, not only because of her military and economic power. She is a superpower because of her superior ideals, her belief that all are created equal, and that we are all born with a set of inalienable rights that can never be taken away from us.

America is a superpower because she stands by these ideals, because she champions these ideals, and when abroad, her representative, exemplified in the form of President of the United States of America, adheres to these ideals, no matter how lowly and contemptible her adversary is willing to sink.

There are a number of ways President Obama could have handled this situation. For him, the decision was a graceful shrug, a smile, and a step above his unruly hosts.

In response to this incident, Obama replies that he “wouldn’t overcrank the significance,” according to Australian news outlet ABC Online.

I may not agree with everything Obama has done during his time in office, but the way he carried himself during this instance was pure class.

The Chinese tried to demonstrate their “strength” by trying to embarrass Obama publicly, and he rebutted them by simply reaffirming what the Chinese have already affirmed themselves: That the leaders of China are small men, with short fuses, and little understanding of the word “respect,” for others, and for themselves.

By shrugging off this rude gesture, Obama shows the world that he is too big to be fettered by such small actions. In maintaining his dignity, patience, and stature, Obama, without as much as saying a word on the subject, clearly explains why America is the world superpower, and why China is not, and never will be.


Human Rights Petition: Vietnam’s President Meets With President Obama on July 25, 2013

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , on July 21, 2013 by The Freedom For Vietnam Delegation

PetitionHey there, everyone:

The musician and human rights crusader Truc Ho is putting together another petition for President Obama in the wake of Truong Tan Sang’s visit this Thursday. Currently, Truong Tan Sang is the acting President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, making him the third most powerful man in the country (on paper, anyway).

This Thursday, July 25, 2013, Sang will be making a state visit to meet with President Barack Obama to discuss issues such as climate change, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and hopefully, human rights.

Whether or not President Obama discusses human rights or not, and to what extent, will depend on how much we pester him through this petition. The letter has already been composed by Truc Ho and his team, all we have to do is sign it.

Hurry, everyone! We only have a few days until the state visit. Make sure you sign that petition!

Click on the link below to sign the petition!


The White House Listens

Posted in Politics, Society with tags , , , , , , on April 27, 2012 by The Freedom For Vietnam Delegation

For those of you who were disappointed about Mr. Truc Ho’s trip to Washington, here is some very good news that may raise your spirits.  If you are among the many who signed the “We, the People” petition started by Truc Ho, chances are you have recently received an email of acknowledgement from the White House.  If you did not sign the petition, or if for some reason you never received the email, the contents are as follows:

Petition Response:

Pursuing Progress on Human Rights with Vietnam

By Michael Posner, Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor at Department of State

I would like to thank all of you who signed this petition underscoring Americans’ concern for human rights in Vietnam and the United States-Vietnam relationship. As our dialogue with Vietnam evolves, we are especially cognizant of the views of the Vietnamese community in the U.S.

The United States will remain diligent in pursuing progress on human rights in our high-level engagement as we pursue a wide array of security, economic, and strategic interests with Vietnam. In our discussions with the Vietnamese government, we emphasize that progress on human rights, including the release of political prisoners and freedom of religion, is a necessary part of improving United States-Vietnam relations. Secretary of State Clinton raised our human rights concerns with President Sang when they met at the November 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam David Shear has raised similar concerns in all of his high-level meetings since arriving in Vietnam last August, and he and the Mission regularly engage Vietnamese government officials, nongovernmental organizations, and other individuals as part of our Government’s commitment to promote greater respect for human rights in Vietnam.

During the annual United States-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue meeting in November, I, along with Ambassador-At-Large for International Religious Freedom Suzan Johnson Cook and other high-level officials, urged Vietnam to release all political prisoners, strengthen religious freedom, ratify and implement the Convention Against Torture, and take other steps to protect and promote universal human rights.

My colleague, Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, underscored these concerns directly with Vietnamese officials during his most recent visit to Hanoi on February 2. Read a transcript of his press conference in Hanoi here (PDF).

In addition, our engagement with Vietnam on trade, including through its interest in the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and its participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, has provided opportunities to raise these issues. Both GSP and TPP include commitments to labor rights protections, including freedom of association.

The Obama Administration is committed to an ongoing dialogue with the Vietnamese American community. On March 5, 2012, my colleagues and I participated in a briefing held by the White House Office of Public Engagement for 165 Vietnamese Americans from 30 states who work across diaspora communities in order to promote human rights, global partnerships, and opportunities for Vietnamese abroad. During the meeting, we stressed that human rights issues are a key component of ongoing discussions with Vietnam and that the United States continuously engages Vietnam on human rights through many different channels, including the annual United States-Vietnam Human Rights Dialogue.

I encourage everyone involved in this petition to continue to express your views and concerns to the Administration, and most importantly to the Vietnamese government. I also encourage you to follow our work on (Also, see the State Department’s 2010 Human Rights Report for Vietnam and the latest International Religious Freedom Report for Vietnam).

We look forward to meaningful dialogue and partnerships with your community in the future.

Check out this response on We the People.

Stay Connected

Stay connected to the White House by signing up for periodic email updates from President Obama and other senior administration officials.

Alas!  President Obama and the White House has been listening after all.  The contents of this document declares that the U.S. government and the Obama Administration is committed to promoting and protecting human rights.  Everyone is encouraged by the White House to continue to voice their opinions, both to the U.S. and the Vietnamese government.  This goes to show that when we work together and show that we are united, great things can happen.  To everyone in this struggle for freedom, your efforts have not been in vein.  Keep persisting, keep believing, because nothing meaningful ever comes easy.

The Voice and The Vote

Posted in IV. Columns, Politics, Society with tags , , , , , , , , on March 28, 2012 by The Freedom For Vietnam Delegation

It’s been a while since we’ve heard of Viet Khang’s whereabouts, no one really knows what happened to him.  What we do know is that he has not been freed by the Communist government.  Whether he is still alive or not is also a big question, one that probably won’t be answered for a while, if ever.  However, that is no reason for us to feel hopeless or discouraged.  Brother Viet Khang knew full well what he was getting into, and I am sure that he did not sacrifice himself just to see us fall into despair.

Through a collection of courageous acts, Viet Khang was able to capture the attention of the entire world.  With the help of Mr. Truc Ho, Viet Khang’s music has shown the world the sad way of life that the Vietnamese people are faced with every single day.  Viet Khang painted the crimes of the Communist Party, making it crystal clear to every Vietnamese across the world.

Before Viet Khang, only a handful young Vietnamese oversees knew about the atrocities committed by the Communist Party.  Now, Vietnamese people across the continents, young and old alike, are now conscious of the dire situation that the Party has put the country into.  As young Vietnamese living oversees, what can we do about it?  As individuals who are shut out from the Communist system, it may feel like we are powerless in dealing with the Communist Party.  This however, is a misconception.

As citizens of a free and democratic country, young adults like yourselves have something that is extremelt valuable.  That gift, my friends, is the right to vote.  As explained very eloquently by Mr. Truc Ho, election season is coming up, and the presidential candidates will do whatever they can to acquire the most votes.  This means that they will be more than happy to appeal to all types of social groups across the country, and as Vietnamese living in America, you too can be a part of this.

It is true that Mr. Truc Ho did not meet the president on his visit to Washington, but the fact remains that he was invited to the White House.  Because of his hard work and genuine dedication, Mr. Truc Ho had captured the attention of the White House.  Besides human rights, there is a very prevalent reason that Truc Ho was invited to Washington.  By rallying nearly 150,000 signatures to his petition, Truc Ho has shown that there is a strong group of potential voters out there.  If there is one thing that a politician loves, it’s the vote.

There are millions of Vietnamese adults living in the U.S., and as American citizens, we all have the vote.  If we show the politicians that we are united, they will listen to what we have to say.  It does not have to be Barack Obama that we are calling upon.  If our voice is strong enough, other candidates will come to us, instead of the other way around.  It is not out of the question for Governor Mitt Romney to throw is support behind us if we are willing to reciprocate with our votes.

Whether it be the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, it could not matter less.  When the presidential candidates realize that there are a million of us, united in our cause, and united in our vote, it will only be a matter of time before they offer their support to us.  Mr. Truc Ho has a very clear vision, and he communicates it very well.  If you want to hear more about this campaign, watch Truc Ho’s SBTN program, for he has much to teach us.

One final word, and this involves all of us.  Whether you are young or old, whether you partake in the democratic process or not (let’s be honest, I know not all of you vote), just be proud of who you are and where you are from.  Before we even exercise our democratic rights, just remember that we are Vietnamese, and that we take pride in our culture and our heritage.  It is undeniable that we are proud of our homeland, whether it be America, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, or anywhere else in the world.  That being said, don’t forget that we are also Vietnamese, our parents are Vietnamese, and our grandparents are Vietnamese.  We must be proud of that as well.  One love.